I'm interested in computer vision and machine learning, especially in 3D vision. Currently, I am exploring how neural networks offer new possibilities for foundational problems in 3D vision and how to effectively integrate domain knowledge into these networks.
GLACE integrates pre-trained global and local encodings, enabling scene coordinate regression to scale to large scenes with only a single small-sized network.
Estimate optical flow to align flash and non-flash pair for robust reflection removal in the wild. Monocular depth estimation is used to synthesise realistic misalignment in training.
Other Projects
These include coursework, side projects and unpublished research work.
Parallelization of Polybench Kernels: symm and gemver Course project of Design of Parallel and High-Performance Computing
Autumn 2023, ETH Zurich
Optimize two Polybench kernels: symm (compute-bound) and gemver (memory-bound), with three programming paradigms: OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA,
achieving comparable performance to SOTA implementations such as AOCL, MKL, OpenBLAS and cuBLAS.
Explicit Representation for Human Reconstruction Student project at AIT Lab
Summer 2023, ETH Zurich
Refine coarse mesh with variational refinement. Optimize integration of photoconsistency cost under silhouette constraints with
efficient GPU Monte Carlo integration on sparse voxels around the mesh.
Implicit Representation for Human Reconstruction Course project of Machine Perception
Spring 2023, ETH Zurich
Fast human reconstruction with implicit representation (Ranked top 3 in class).
Utilize silhouette carving, depth prior, and importance sampling for fast and accurate reconstruction.
Extract mesh with low bias by depth rendering and TSDF fusion
Real-time Position Based Fluid Simulation Course project of Physically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics
Autumn 2022, ETH Zurich
Implemented Position Based Fluid Simulation with Taichi. Simulate multi-phase fluid and fluid-solid interactions with 20k particles in real-time on RTX3080Ti.
Everybody Dance Together: Multi-person Motion Transfer Final Year Project
2022, HKUST
Multi-person motion transfer by generating masked videos and alpha compositing them. Utilized coarse masks to reconstruct the background and obtain fine masks with background matting.
Thank Dr. Jon Barron for sharing the source code of his personal page.